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Writer's pictureJenny

Early Bump Maternity Style

This post originally appeared on our old blog Born to be a Bride as "What I Wore: The Maternity Diaries."

A lot of readers have asked when I’ll start including more maternity and mom stuff on this blog. And while Josh and I strategically plan the site’s redesign, I wanted to add a series here and there that moms-to-be and those with little ones will find useful in the meantime. One area that I’ve found particularly challenging while pregnant is what to wear. Maybe this is especially true because I’m so fashion-conscious, but I honestly believe it’s a struggle for most mamas. Recently, I’ve been getting a ton of followers on a Pinterest board I call Dressing the Bump. Ironically, I started the board well before I was even pregnant, just because a lot of maternity looks are cool and I knew I’d want the inspiration later. But now that I’m struggling to find creative ways to make my wardrobe work with a swelling middle, the board is something I turn to often.

Admittedly, I’ve been hesitant to share too much about my growing bump with the public for a few reasons. Firstly, I’m five-and-a-half months pregnant and depending on what I’m wearing, most people have no idea. As a friend recently pointed out, I have a long torso, and as the ultrasounds have conveyed, I am carrying an absolute peanut in there. (She’s got long legs, but she’s super-tiny, always a few days behind the expected size for “age.”) She’ll pop out and then retreat without any notice; some days I look properly pregnant; other mornings you’d swear I’m just a little bloated and about to get my period. Even Josh had a moment the other day — one night I picked him up wearing a skintight ensemble and he was glowing with pride over my cute belly. Two days later my stomach was nearly flat, and he told me to stop sucking it in. I wanted to laugh — if only my beloved knew how impossible it is to “suck in” a baby bump!

But aside from the still-shifting size that amuses me and those close to us, I’ve also received some truly hurtful remarks from others. Like the woman in a yoga class who asked me if I was eating enough and if my baby was “Okay???” Well, geez, lady. Do you think if I had some sort of a problem and that my baby was not okay, you would be the person I’d talk to about it? But I’m really noticing a difference myself now, and I’ve finally come to terms with the fact that every pregnancy is different and I have a right to own mine. So, I’ve decided to role out a semi-weekly feature on What I Wore.

I hope that my maternity hacks serve as helpful inspiration for fellow moms-to-be, as Joshy and I are on a tight budget right now with me not working. My mom has generously purchased me some shorts and other essentials, but the bulk of my maternity wardrobe is comprised of stuff I already own, or clearance items I get in areas of the store not marked with a bump. (Tip: Maternity clothes, in general, are hideous and wildly overpriced. You can do better, with some effort and creativity) I now present to you, Week One! Also known as Week 22! And future installments will mostly feature proper pictures taken by Josh — outside — so you don’t have to endure any more mirror selfies in my messy living room. But this is what I have for now, peeps!

I discovered this awesome maternity brand called Pink Blush on Gilt. They’re not cheap, but their prices are amazing compared to others out there. My thing with maternity clothes is since you only wear them for a short time, I won’t pay what I do for normal stuff. I nabbed this adorable maxi on sale for about $30, though, and it’s cute enough I might wear again next summer. Check out the collection here.

It took a lot of guts (literally), but I finally decided to start sporting bikinis again this summer. The first few times I went to our apartment complex’s pool in a two-piece, I was sure every girl there was looking at my middle, not realizing I was pregnant, and thinking, “That girl should not be in a bikini with that tummy.” Then I started to understand that I would never think that about another girl, no matter what she looked like or what she’s wearing, and that the public is not the enemy. The enemy is inside my own head. When you figure out that your body is your body, your pregnancy is your pregnancy, and you have a right to be comfortable, you’ll get over it. I grabbed this suit at Old Navy because in Newport, my boobs were popping out of my XS tops. This was the first time in my life I’ve needed a size medium bikini top. Woo — thanks, Baby! I appreciate the boobs she’s given me this summer.

Last night Joshy and I went out for a date and I really wanted to wear one of my new J. Maclaughlin dressees (also not maternity; more to come on those next week), but it was torrential downpour so that didn’t happen. Instead I paired these great ASOS maternity skinnies with a black stretchy (non-maternity) bow-detail long-sleeved tee and the trusty jellies. Josh was stoked to see me back in some fitted jeans — it’s been a while!


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