After a storm makes landfall, the turmoil is merely getting started. After the storm has gone, it is a critical but frequently neglected step to pick up the pieces that have been strewn about while maintaining one's own safety. This is a component of putting things back together again after the storm.
These big storms have a tendency to have a domino effect, producing dangerous conditions that you need to be aware of and keep away from. This is true even if your property was not physically destroyed while a significant storm was occurring.
There are a number of preventative measures that you and your family may take to lessen the likelihood of being injured or killed as a result of a storm's secondary effects. If you and your loved ones, together with your friends and neighbors, follow these seven procedures after a storm, you will be able to stay safe.

1. Avoid Standing Water
Flooding is a common consequence of heavy rainfall, and many types of storms have the ability to bring down powerlines, which can lead to the creation of electrical currents that travel through the ground and any water that is standing. In the wake of a storm, it is imperative that you steer clear of downed powerlines and standing water at all costs. This includes steering clear of the water when driving, walking, or wading.
An electric current may still create enough power to electrocute anything or anybody that even touches water, regardless of whether or not a powerline directly contacts a puddle or bigger body of standing water.
Even though there is no possibility of an electric current being produced, the puddles in the center of the road still hide a mystery. You never know what might be lurking down there. Large sinkholes are frequently disguised as smaller puddles, and the consequences of driving over them might be devastating for your safety.
It has also been reported that the puddles contain germs as well as sharp objects, both of which might cause long-term damage to a person's health. You should do all in your power to stay away from standing water!
2. Turn Off the Pipes That Supply Gas
If you smell gas or have any reason to suspect a leak, you should immediately turn off the main gas valve in your home. If you are going to evacuate, or you have reason to believe that the electricity will go out during the storm and you do not require the use of any gas, it is best to turn it off before you leave.
Your home might become exceedingly hazardous if a gas line bursts within it, which is a very real possibility. It is possible that it may cause your home to become contaminated with a poisonous gas, which you will then inhale; alternatively, it may cause your home to catch fire,.
3. Watch out for carbon monoxide gas.
The use of generators has a number of risks, one of which is the potential introduction of carbon monoxide into a residence. This danger is frequently overlooked. When carbon monoxide is present, it displaces oxygen with a deadly gas that has the potential to cause death. It is critical that your generators are always operated outside, at a secure distance from any openings such as windows, doors, or vents.
If you are going to be using a generator, another safety precaution you should take is to install a carbon monoxide detector inside the room in your home that is the closest to the generator. It will detect any carbon dioxide that makes its way into your house by mistake and alert you to the danger it poses before it becomes serious.
In the aftermath of the storm, if your neighbor is using a generator, you should keep a close check on it to ensure that it is not operating too close to your house. If you pay attention to what is going on around you after the hurricane, you should not have any trouble keeping safe.
4. Drink just water from bottles.
One of the first things that will happen if a storm wreaks havoc on your town or any of the towns that are next to it is that the electricity will go out. It is dangerous to consume, clean with, or cook with water from the tap since energy is used to operate the filtration system that treats the drinking water for the entire city and the pipes that bring that water into your home.
5. Avoid Hazardous Debris
Any debris left behind by a storm has the potential to be dangerous, therefore it is in everyone's best interest to steer clear of it at all costs. The term "debris" refers to a wide variety of objects, including downed trees, roof tiles, window panes, and many other items. Debris is typically filled with rusty nails, sharp edges, and other things that can be harmful to your health.
Even while, at first look, debris might not appear to represent any threat, it is still recommended to avoid coming into contact with it just in case. You definitely do not want to damage yourself, especially considering that emergency rooms at hospitals and urgent care centers can be packed, and regular doctor's offices might not even be open.
6. Remain outside of your house until authorities tell you it is okay to go back in.
Whether you were forced to flee your house because of the storm, you are undoubtedly wanting to go back and check to see if it was damaged in any way so that you can get back to your normal life. Regrettably, going back home is not a simple task, and there is no guarantee that doing so would be risk-free.
Check with the news outlets in your area to be informed of the most recent evacuation instructions and to determine when it is safe to return. It is in everyone's best interest to remain put until everything has been cleaned up, especially if the neighborhood has been devastated and the electricity is still out or there are potentially dangerous situations that persist.
7. Do What Is Necessary to Ensure the Safety of Everyone Else.
If you have remained in your house despite it having experienced damage, such as a broken window or a leaky roof, you may need to make repairs to your property to the best of your abilities to prevent the damage from getting worse. Be sure to hang on to your receipts after making any necessary purchases, whether it be goods from the shop or hiring a professional to do repairs and sort out the hail roof damage so that you may submit them together with your storm claim for your homeowner's insurance. Bear in mind to always use caution.