If you’ve been here for a while you know this mama loves a hack. Anything that helps me get myself and the kiddos up and out of the house with the things we need in the places we need them to be in, is a win. I’ve recently discovered a company called Name Bubbles that I absolutely love and I know you will too – especially at the hectic end-of-the-year time!
Name Bubbles Labels are an absolute must-have for graduation season, to be placed inside or outside your child’s cap and gown, on their lunch and water containers, and in their dance recital costumes as well. Whether you have a little one graduating preschool or a big kid ending their high school or college journey, help them get organized and keep a hold of their stuff with these durable and easy-to-use, wear-anywhere labels.

Waterproof, laundry-proof labels are every parent’s new best friend. The Name Bubbles brand was founded by a mom who kept sending stuff into school and never saw half of it returned! From their water bottles to the towels they use for field day and everything else that needs to come home from school by graduation day, Name Bubbles has you covered.
Headed to a graduation party? Name Bubbles has you covered there, too. We love the family name packs that I adhere to all my Tupperware, salad bowls, and other potluck vessels to ensure that if we accidentally leave something behind (or are asked to, because the food is that delicious and no one wants it to go to waste!), I will see my dishes again.
Graduation season brings rehearsals, dinners, gatherings, early or late drop-offs and other variables even before and after the big day. The chances of their clothing, backpacks, important notebooks, and so on being left behind is high. Busy and weary grads have a lot on their minds and plates, and so do their parents!
Make everyone’s lives easier with stylish personalized name labels that go on literally everything. (And if your child is headed off to college in the fall, you’re really going to need them then, too!). Quit spending time and money replacing water bottles, rain ponchos, pool and beach towels, and more with the minimal investment in these top-of-the-line name labels for kids and families.
After the diploma is received and framed or scrapbooked, and the graduation parties are behind you, the leftover Name Bubbles labels in your pack will serve you all summer long as well. Place them inside beach bags and towels, swimsuits and sleepover totes. Use them for summer camp items, sleeping bags, and gatherings all summer long.
Check out their site for a wide variety of labels in every color and style. There are so many cute themes for little kids and fun or simple motifs that big kids will like. Browse the selection of Name Bubbles family labels too, adding waterproof labeling ease to all your summer entertaining that takes you into the fall.
My family could not get by without our Name Bubbles – everyone from the baby to my husband uses them! And of course, our sweet pre-K graduate Marigold was thrilled to bring home all her favorite items after graduation, down to the little bag of just-in-case clothes that were hanging, labeled, in her classroom until the last day.
No more lost-and-found digging or expensive replacements for you and your fam: Hook everybody up with Name Bubbles and get organized for graduation season and beyond!