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  • Writer's pictureJenny

How To Get Your House Ready To Sell

If a house is properly prepared it can sell a lot faster, and for a better price. Once you’ve got the home repairs out of the way you can give your place a real sprucing up. Imagine yourself in the place of the buyer, seeing it for the first time, and trying to picture themselves living there. A lick of paint and some fresh flowers are not the only ways to create a welcoming atmosphere. Here are some simple tips to help you decorate your house to sell.

Declutter and clean

You don’t necessarily have to create a cold and empty show house effect, but the more junk you can get rid of the better. It’s a good idea to rent out a storage unit where you can stash your belongings that you don’t want to leave on display. Valuables and personal items such as photos can go in here. If you have any pets it might be an idea to see if someone can sit for them while you show your house. Even though they are part of the family some buyers might not be a fan of animals. Once you have got rid of any unwanted items you will be ready to give the house a major clean. It’s up to whether you choose to do this yourself or hire professionals.

Create a welcoming entrance

Now you’re ready to invite people in to view your home. Focus on refreshing the entrance hall, if it needs painting or rearranging. Add a vase of flowers and you could even set up tea or snacks for your guests. First impressions are very important. Speak to your estate agent for more advice on what buyers look for. See William Pitt for great homes for sale.

Set up relaxing areas

You can create a homely effect by setting up the living room and dining room. Get some new cushions for your sofa and a throw. Leave some books or even one open next to a lamp and the sofa to create a relaxing reading area. You could set the table with new chinaware and placemats. Line up a few cookbooks on a shelf in the kitchen, and tidy up your utensils. Leave some jars out with ingredients in such as rice and pulses, but otherwise keep the kitchen spotless. Set up a tea set in the kitchen as well, or a fruit bowl with different coloured fresh fruits.


Light some candles in a couple of the rooms but don’t go overboard. Don’t light incense as this can be overpowering. Fresh flowers will not only look nice but will also perfume your home and make it more appealing.


This is at the top of most buyer’s lists. It’s important to have a well-lit home as this elevates your mood and literally brightens up the place. Switch the bulbs and rearrange furniture to change the effect of the light. Angle lights where possible to more attractive parts of the design such as art, or nice brickwork.


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