Photo by Toomanyloginnames on Pixabay
Do you remember the photo wall trend? It was all the rage a couple of years ago but has since fallen out of favor. However, that doesn’t mean photos have lost their value in home decor. In fact, they can be even more effective than before as a home accessory if you approach them from a creative angle.
We all have the same old photo frames to display snaps on our mantelpiece or side table. But what about incorporating your favorite pictures into your interior design less conventionally? After all, there are so many things you can do with photos beyond hanging them on the wall or propping them up on a mantelpiece. Here are five creative ways to incorporate important pictures into your home decor:
Change the way you display your photos
Although we associate photos with frames, they don’t have to be displayed inside a rectangular piece of wood. There are many creative alternatives to the standard photo frame, so you don’t have to get stuck in a photo-frame rut. For example, you might use:
Use an old book to display your favorite photos. You can also use an entire book to collect your favorite photos. Just find a book that inspires you, and start filling it with photos from your phone. Alternatively, you can find a vintage book at a flea market or thrift shop and use it as a frame for your favorite photos.
A shadow box. Shadow boxes work well for collectibles like ticket stubs, pressed flowers, and other mementos that are too big for a standard photo frame. You can also use a shadow box to display your favorite photos more interestingly than a standard frame.
A stained-glass window. While this is more of an investment than some other ways to display photos, a stained-glass photo is sure to turn heads and become the focal point of any room.
Put photos in unexpected places
Non-traditional placings for photos can lend a fresh interior design perspective to photos. For example, use your photos to decorate the inside of a bookcase instead of just framed on the shelves. Not only will this add to the aesthetic of your bookcase, but it will also help keep your most prized photos close at hand.
Other ideas include turning an old picture frame into a vase for flowers. This is perfect for old frames that have sentimental value but don’t suit a photo. Alternatively, you could use custom floating shelves and put photos up in unusual places, such as on the landing or hallway, in the kitchen, or any little nooks in your house.
Turn photographs into crafty home accessories
If you want to turn your photos into home decor but don’t want to frame them or put them in a book, try crafting with them. For example, you could turn photos into coasters or blankets. You could create personalized wall hangings or even napkins!
Use videos in your photo frames
If you’re a parent, you’ll likely have many photos of your kids from birth. What better way to put these happy memories to good use than putting them in a photo frame? Turn a photo of your child, pet, or loved one into a video by creating a slideshow and putting it in a photo frame. Or, use a video that means a lot to you.
These days, photo frames come with USB slots so you can plug in your USB drive and transfer a video file. Alternatively, you can use online software to upload your videos and have them converted into a photo frame for a small fee.